Reviving Vet Med

How Finding Meaning Improves Wellbeing | Episode 9 | Reviving Vet Med

Dr. Marie Holowaychuk

Recent veterinary wellness studies have tended to focus on the negative aspects of veterinary work, with little mention of the positive components. 

Eudaimonic wellbeing is having fulfilling work that contributes to the greater good and can promote career satisfaction among veterinary professionals. 

During this episode, I review the research around job characteristics that contribute to eudaimonia (meaning) including actualizing self, helping others (animals or people), and a sense of belonging (to team or profession). Practical strategies for nurturing meaningful work are also shared. 

Video Version

Finding the Balance: Uncovering Resilience in the Veterinary Literature: Merck (AVMA) Veterinary 

Wellbeing Study: https://www.merck-animal-health-usa.c...

Meaning of work and personal protective factors among palliative care professionals:

Meaningful work and well-being: a study of the positive side of veterinary work:

Veterinary technicians and occupational burnout:

Recommended Reading: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

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